Le projet H2020 MULTITOUCH – Multimodal haptic with touch devices
est coordonné par Frédéric Giraud (L2EP) avec comme partenaires du GDR GoTouch VR et Hap2U.
MultiTOUCH will explore how tactile feedback can be integrated with auditory and visual feedback in next- generation multisensory human-computer interfaces (HCI) combining tactile, auditory and visual feedback, such as multisensory tactile displays (TD) and multisensory virtual reality (VR) setups, with the aim of producing an enriched user experience. As compared to the extensive knowledge on how vision and audition interact, current knowledge on how touch integrates with the other senses is relatively scarce, especially in conditions of active touch, i.e. when tactile input is generated by active contact with the environment (e.g. tactile exploration of the surface of a display, tactile exploration of VR environments).